We all need a little help sometimes.

Better resources.

Better opportunities.

Better communities.


Honore’s Home of Care (HHOCare) provides resources and opportunities to families in need within local communities.

Slightly more than 36 percent of California’s residents are at or near the poverty level, more than one third of its population.

You can be a part of the change!

HHOCare’s Hall of Fame.

Your voice is powerful. Use it for good. Empower others.

-The Honore Familiy


A Helping Hand

The volunteers that support Honore’s Home of Care help extend our reach to local familes and communities through our annual dinners.


Raising Awareness

Connecting with local businesses helps spread the word and build community empowerment.

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Setting a Good Example

Change begins with the example we set for future generations. Let’s pass down good habits. HHOCare provides nutritious food to those in need 52 weeks a year.


““We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty.”

— Mother Teresa



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(619) 993-6602